Title: Sex Tape
Year: 2014
Genre: Comedy
Director: Jake Kasdan
Writer: Kate Angelo, Jason Segel y
Nicholas Stoller (screenplay)
Runtime: 94min
Cast: Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel,
Rob Corddry, Ellie Kemper, Rob Lowe, Harrison Holzer,
Produc.: Escape Artists, LStar
Capital, Media Rights Capital, Sony Pictures Entertainment
Budget: $40 million approx.
Views on the importance of sex are
varied, and there are both, those who need to do it often, as those who don´t
see it so necessary. However, it would be to deceive us, telling us that good
sex doesn´t help a good relationship, because the understanding in a couple isn´t
only based on good dialogue.
As we see in Sex Tape, young Annie
(Cameron Diaz) and Jay (Jason Segel) have no problems in this area, being
perfectly able of adjusting themselves to different scenarios for their romps,
this being an activity they practice often. It´s just that sometimes,
monogamous practice can lead to carelessness, and although it´s never clear
whether there are reproductive interests, the consequences are visible. Clive
(Sebastian Hedges Thomas) and Nell (Giselle Eisenberg) are two children that,
wanted or not, end up arriving, requiring attention and making it impossible
for their parents to intimate.
Something I don´t doubt also to be
true (even not being a father myself) is that there must be nothing more
gratifying than having children and devote yourself to them. These are special
beings that change your priorities and ways of thinking, and for whom we tend
to enjoy the change. What doesn´t mean that there are moments that every parent
has the right to take, and the possibility of keep having sex is one of them.
Here it is never clear if is it that
this couple is disorganized or what, but with their kids playing around they end
up putting aside the enjoyment of their own bodies. A practice that then, they
don´t know how to retake. Annie and Jay mastered the art of doing it, just as a
player would dominate a ball. But now parenting has taken away their training, becoming
their attempts a failure to be the ones they used to. With such unusual
problems as for Jay to have an erection, when back then his cock looked like an
always ready boy scout, capable of smelling Annie from the distance. Still,
Annie has already talked to her mother and that night the house is all for
them, so solutions ought to be found right away.
Many might disagree with this of
filming ourselves, but I think, crazy or not, in intimacy everyone does what they
please, and fantasize whatever way they find in fun. In this case we are
obviously in front of a comedy, so this madness must especially be seen with
humor. Although, we ought to understand that Annie doesn´t come out with this
idea so much for wanting to do something picaresque, as for wanting to spice
things up and regain to have that sexual spark that seems lost. I would say then
that the idea isn´t bad, but understandable. As I said before, in intimacy,
each in his own way.
Luckily for the couple, the
occurrence results in three long hours of that, they had been putting off for
so long. Unfortunately, their hot video is then stored in Jay´s computer, who
accidentally sends it to multiple contacts, through their iPads. Jay will
explain Annie how such a thing could have happened, but understand it isn´t
relevant. It´s enough to know that others could see it.
Recently, I just started to watch
the already ended sitcom How I Met Your Mother (2005-2014) in which Jason Segel also used to
work, and I put it up just to emphasize that, with a good script, this actor
does comedy well. However, in Sex Tape Segel lacks the magic that characterized
him and the rest of that serie´s cast. Especially cause in it Segel had
counted on good material, which does not happen here, this having being a false
step that, let´s hope, he´s already gotten out of.
Once Annie and Jay are aware of their
mess, a comedy that is funny little becomes quite ridiculous. Annie and her
husband begin a desperate journey in search of those copies, but with no idea
of what they will do to get them. I think that neither Segel himself (here
co-writer) nor his fellow librettists knew how to be original, deciding it
would be good to see him been beaten, and her, snorting cocaine. Besides, it
couldn´t be missed the strangeness of seeing Rob Lowe as an eccentric
businessman, in whose house there´re distributed paintings with images of The
Lion King (1994), where in each, his face replaces the character shown. What could
this mean? One may ask. I guess cocaine really circulated.
The only thing that ends up being
minimally funny, or I´d say that, rather curious, is when we ourselves get to
see part of that video, right in the end, and that's the most fun. It must have
been great for the actors to shoot several segments of a fake erotic video.
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