Title: Ice Age 4: Continental Drift
Year: 2012
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Director: Steve Martino, Mike Thurmeier
Writer: Michael Berg, Jason Fuchs
Runtime: 94min
Cast: Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, Queen Latifah, Keke Palmer, Chris Wedge, Jennifer López, Sean William Scott, Josh Peck, Wanda Sykes, Peter Dinklage, Aubrey Graham, Josh Gad, Heather Morris, Nick Frost, Alain Chabat, Aziz Ansari, Nicki Minaj, Alan Tudyk
Produc.: Blue Sky Studios
Budget: $95 million approx.
In Ice
Age 4: Continental Drift, Manny (Ray Romano), Sid (John Leguizamo), Diego
(Denis Leary) and the rest of the group must face relentless earth movements,
while in turn they protect themselves from the menacing pirate Guts (Peter
Long before arriving into theaters,
we had already been able to enjoy a preview of what would be, more
specifically, the entanglements in which Scrat would be stucked with. It seems
impossible, but with just 3 minute this rodent suddenly worked as an excellent
stand-up comedian, capable of getting us more laughs than all the other
characters together. Undoubtedly, this squirrel is among the best, that currently
reaches developed in the Blue Sky studios.
Continuing with Scrat, this acorn
addict has always been an example, both of the brilliant animation work of
these filmmakers, as of their immense creativity. This time, all this accompanying,
in it´s latest short film, a preview of what we would see later. Ice Age 4 promised to parody the ancient
process by which the Earth would end up looking like it is now. What is more,
showing us, also in a tone of comedy, the emergence of some of the most
important constructions made by man, of which, in this case, Scrat would be
But so much to emphasize of this
character, means so much to "deemphasize" of everything else. To
begin with, because it´s shorts have rarely got more than little to do with the
rest of the argument. Once one has seen them, can maybe be getting an idea of
what the prehistoric moment that it´s being lived in is, while Manny, Sid, Diego and
the rest of their friends live their adventures. Outside of that, they tend to
a mainly independent tone that, rather than anticipate us some clues, tell us
nothing of, if they will be good or bad movies.
The film directed by Steve Martino
and Mike Thurmeier touches everyday issues such as adolescent rebellion or
piracy. It does it, on the one hand, using the uproar Morita (Keke Palmer), Manfred
and Ellie´s daughter, who being in that stage where hormones have fun as the please,
can not resist Ethan (Aubrey Graham)´s charm, a mammoth, to her, very cute and
very cool. Against this she forgets all about her friend Louis, a mole with quite
good feelings.
Furthermore, we should understand
that much of the argument results from the clashing between this family led by
Manny, and their new enemy, the pirate captain Gut and his crew. From this
confrontation is that will come out, that some of them want to capture,
torment and eat the others. But at a given moment, also a very subtle wink to
piracy is made, this seen as the illegal downloading and distribution of
unauthorized material.
However, I believe that, if
something ought to really be highlighted, that would be that in Continental Drift (where at all times,
earth movements and the icebergs´s breakdown, are the most imminent danger), Manny´s
relentless effort to go back to Ellie and to his daughter, is always
accompanied by the heroic group work that all of them (Manny, Sid, etc.) make
to keep themselves, friends, alive and together. From all this it is understood
that, the values of family strength and loyalty among
comrades, are what is sought to convey to the kids.
Each Ice Age sequel has meant a new challenge. Tell a different story,
because otherwise, viewers would already be bored. In addition, introducing new
characters, as this would give it a greater atractiveness.
But if one has paid good attention
at each of them, should have confirmed that, indeed, all the arguments have
always been the same retouched idea, that we could define as "the going
back home". Whether it was that the herd helped someone return to it´s own
ones, that they themselves wanted to go home, or that, because of the natural
phenomena, they had to seek other destinations, always trying not to leave
anyone behind.
Always seeing themselves in the
obligatoin of recycling, I think it would be very difficult to ever reach the
level of the first one. There are, out there, people who probably believe that
the quality goes with, the more action the better. Although I think that,
that's not right. Personally, I do not think that quality concerns that aspects,
but the originality of what is counted.
The problem, then, of Ice Age 4 is, that no matter how
entertaining it might be and no matter how many innumerable variants they could
add, if they do not tell a "different" story that grabs and excites
those who pay to see it, but in a completely new (and not recycled) way, we
will always be seeing more of the same, and where we will find the best of it in
a short film of a squirrel and it´s acorn.
My rating: 6/10